As humans, we begin our understanding of The Universe from information derived through the collecting of our five senses. We typically interact with the world surrounding us, according to relationships moving through our awareness... varying densities of solid or semi-solid elements and materials...and the frequencies between our human communications. We process our observations of physical reality, most prominently through the visual feedback loop of our eyes.
Let's consider how our eyes perceive this solid Reality, as Science has come to understand the process, using the example of a prism. When light is channeled through a prism, particularly sunlight...the refracted beams emitting through the prism make up a complete rainbow of color spectrum. When unified, these colors blend together into a white light. Our eyes perceive the world through processing this array of colors; but apart from the revelation of solid reality through light, how are we connected to this spectrum of colors? Or is the clay of humanity separate from the light we know to illuminate our world?
"Materiality," or prakrti, whether it is packed earth, solid steel, flowing water, or warm flesh...appears very different under the eye of an electron-sensitive microscope. It is only through the magnifying power of the technical eye over the human lens, where we are able to perceive solid reality for what it appears to be on closer examination...empty space. Interspersed within this empty space are separately distant, vibrating dots. How can something appearing to us as so solid, such as one's own hand, be in actual evidence, a "unification of emptiness?" Yet how can "emptiness" bond together in a holding pattern of these separated "dots," creating the solid form and substance of which we are? The answer lies in what "the emptiness" is actually composed of...
ENERGY and its perception...came down from the times of the mystics who interacted with elemental energies...through the witches, wizards, and shamans, who intimately knew those Universal properties. The mystics cultivated their energetic experiences with a pragmatic knowledge of The Land's healing and enhancing plants or herbs...Spirit wended with Earth...on down through the alchemists who took over communion with elemental properties from the mystics and witches who were burned at the stake of condemnation...finally arriving in wide-spread perception to the age of chemists, in a realm of accepted Reality of Materials.
There was no longer an intuitive "magic," no personal connection with the energetic realm, unless mediated for by designated members of The Church, and other more secretive societies. The only substances remaining in a world drained of its mystique, outside of the holy realm, had been reduced to a collection of chemicals, gases, and other scientific compounds with Babel-like references no one could command except for educated scientists...and "material reality" itself, but...what is actually, "REAL?"
This historical pendulum has now swung back in return to a new / old idea, we might refer to as: A RETURN TO A QUANTUM REALITY, where it is widely understood that this "unification of emptiness" is actually a vast "ocean of electromagnetic energy," which we perceive through the spectrum of light, and also embody or experience, through the natural mirrors of our own energetically composed, "material bodies," much like a tuning fork. This understanding brings us full circle with the knowledge of the energetic Universe as had been discovered, understood and accepted by the seers of other ages. The visionaries' messages to us were simply "covered over," waiting for rediscovery by free thinkers all around our post-millennial world. Within this new / old understanding, lies a revision of neural pathways leading us back to an intuitive age...
Quantum Physics: The branch of physics that uses quantum theory to describe and predict the properties of a physical system.
Quantum Reality: The principal features of Quantum Theory contradict "cause and effect" relationships (relativity) by assuming that random, spontaneous events can and do occur, therefore a future event (or non-event) has both multiple probability (statistical) and a quantum probability of 50/50 that is NOT predictable.
In my glance at the counter-views on "quantum realities," I found that skeptics of flexible-future outcomes for the individual may argue...that the quantum physicists, as a group, tend to regard The Universe to be random chaos; and that we are simply in the midst of something like a cosmic arena of chance. This random factor in The Universe may be partly true, actually...but also, maybe a little influenced by one's own inner navigation toward visualized goals too. The skeptics will further suggest that this popular notion of quantum realities put forth by productions like, "What The Bleep Do We Know," or "The Secret," and their supporters, are just selling a profitable hope repackaged for "New Age-y" types.
I suggest, regarding the skeptics of quantum realities...much of history has already been over-dominated by such thinkers, and some mind-controlling organizations that would have the majority of people buy into ideas that no one has any personal control over their own destiny, or any personal magnetism influencing their own reality, save by the will of _____. To buy into this powerless notion is all the easier to be manipulated. What I further suggest, is that certified "reality experts" are often intellectual theorists with little experience exploring the flexible range of their own possibilities, outside of specialization in their one-groove professional expertise. Simply put...not much improvisation. I subscribe to a "quantum-optimism," or intuitive intelligence.
WE ARE ALL ENERGY...QUANTUM-FLEXIBLE ENERGY. We are not originated from any conceptualization we are told we come from, if not what The Universe is also comprised of, as we are mirrors of "that." There is a difference between the viewpoint Science has over the elements and some limiting considerations of the human brain's mysteries, and the viewpoints expressed by the Seers...the first holds a clinically cold distance to existence, as if it were something apart from us, to simply be observed and manipulated through experiment...the second is immersed and involved on deeply personal intuitive levels of self-transformation, interacting with the elements themselves. There has remained a greater than 4000 year old tradition of energetic knowledge, inside personally enlightened experiences, unbroken in transmission from generation to generation, which in recent decades has come to permeate popular imagination in the west...and that is the tradition of YOGA.
We may refer to Yoga as a Science through its intuitive connections confirmed, bridging the evidence of our Material Nature, with those correlative, transforming frequencies found in our Spiritual / Energetic Nature.
Those connections and reflections to the Universal energies within humans, are known as CHAKRAS, which in the Sanskrit energetic language of sound, means, "wheels." The six major chakra wheels or vortexes of energy which ascend our human spinal columns, also whirl along the central energetic conduit known as the Shushumna Nadi (more on this "central meridian" in a later post). Each chakra vibrates at its own frequency, emanating its own color, energized in its own elemental force of Nature, inside of us...affecting physiology inside the bodily area each chakra whirls within, and so directly connected to those functions comprising the totality within all of us.
The key understanding to come away from this conversation with is this...that energy, which has its own frequency or vibrational field, color of realization, and with its own location inside the mind-body connection...may transcend conceptual knowledge, entering the realm of an individual's interactive experience...also within reach of one's quantum-flexible empowerment.
SAMKHYA PHILOSOPHY ~ from "consciousness to mind to energy to matter."
1 comment:
That's a nice way to put it, Rain, as a 2-way projector, since we live in a tech world; as well as your contrasting thought of microscope to inner expansion. It is in our awareness of the subtle, energetic flows within, that we become capable of raising Kundalini toward enlightenment.
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