1. IMAGINATION TRANSCENDS SO-CALLED "REALITY," visualizing attainable objectives beyond the evidence of Today, neural/existential pathways flowing "there," while sensing feedback through one's Inner Mirror or NATURE'S SOURCE...reflecting back The Individualist's Self-Validation.
2. INTUITION AS RELIABLE INNER COMPASS...interpreting / experiencing the meaning of things in the world, listening to one's own instinct as reliable signal through a world of choices, discovering what one is meant to manifest in this life-time, how one is meant to contribute or help others on their paths, and how one intersects harmoniously with other energies surrounding the pursuit of self-actualization and learning. We do not act alone. "We are here for The Exchange."
In Life, however, sometimes The Exchange can be a string of lessons, small or great. Often times, personalities or forces that come into our sphere, do not agree with us, may seek to deceive, mislead, or even destroy us. The Transcendentalist of today, must focus their will on an awareness much like the to bend and sway with the wind and tides that come, but never to break at the stem of one's own inner compass; to rise back into an upright position of personal clarity, personal viewpoint. Personal sense of right and wrong. Personal sense of boundaries. Self-respect. Those who have a wounded intuition will have to purposefully learn to recognize "triggers" and "stun-mode" when one reverts to being victimized, and immediately employ the strengthening behaviors in the next paragraph. The key, here, is maintaining an unerring direction-sense which will always know or re-locate one's own CENTRAL BALANCE.
A Transcendentalist will always listen to the true content of others' intentions, and what the sub-textual meaning of an exchange truly is. A Transcendentalist will become adept at discerning underlying tactics of manipulation or mind-games aimed at vulnerabilities, beyond any weaker mental states such as paranoia or projection. Learn to laugh at belittlement, judgement, and condescension, because nobody can truly tell you who you are or the value of your self-worth, and anyone who presumes to do so, is ridiculously off-base. We all have a right to BE WHO WE ARE. Remain aware of the breathing connection to one's mind-impressions, aware and in-the-moment, while maintaining a sensitivity for any forces that attempt to shift Central Balance into being off-balance. When domination tactics diminish one's confidence for inferior states of fear, unworthiness, meekness, enforced silence, or personal degradation, a Transcendentalist in touch with the breath, and the Individualist mind, will DETACH from REACTING...ADJUST CENTRAL BALANCE...and REDIRECT PERSONAL INTENTION to COME FROM TRUTH. When one comes directly from personal truth, the right words and actions just seem to be there!
When negative polarity personalities realize that you are "not a mark," that "the game" doesn't play you, such people will be repelled in favor of weaker, easier prey, because...predators prefer to take down weak opponents as opposed to attempting to overcome strong ones.
A Post-2000 Transcendentalist is strong in personal dignity, character, and "back-bone."
3. INTERACTING WITH A FLEXIBLE, ENERGETIC REALITY...that all life on Earth is a collection of frequencies, and that one may change one's own frequency and direction of intentions and actions, so as to leave denser, more assaulting realities for enlightened, serene magnetism and supportive places or states, found away from conflicting dissonances and earthly brutalities. Perceptive insights recognizing sacredness in the living moment, the sensual belonging to vast elemental beauty and immortal UNIVERSAL LOVE, beyond, below, and surrounding suffering, a limitless LOVE which may hold any amount of sorrow gently. Nurturing the SOURCE INSIDE that knows no ending to compassion, may support you to FEEL YOUR OWN WAY toward more receptive signals and destinations...WHERE YOU ARE MEANT TO BE.
4. DISENGAGING FROM FEAR...ENGAGING TRUST...One does not remain ensnared in destructive relationships or circumstances by rigidity of FEAR, calling on transcendentalism to find and resonate with Light, Love, and Living Intact...frequencies which necessarily let go of each other, being composed of incompatible elements, are the differing realities of insanity versus compassionate harmony: 2 separate worlds of awareness apart. Have you forgotten the supportive energy of a unified Universe? When is the last time you left behind the glare of city lights for Nature's Solitude, and for clear witness to a near infinite brilliance of interconnected stars above? And even closer, when have you last taken the action of sealing eye-lids and ear canals closed with thumbs and fingers, so as to only listen to the sonic brilliance of YOUR ENERGIZED UNIVERSE WITHIN?
5. INDIVIDUALIST SPIRITUAL LIBERTY, unrestricted by Tradition, controlling structures, or orthodox thought...pure humanistic expression, inspired creativity, philosophical and societal equality between women and men as in Nature's balance, the unifying Source which surrounds all realities and grants energetic Life to ALL. The Transcendentalists live for the mysticism of Life's subtle energies and messages...signalling synchronicity, opening doors of perfect opportunity, awakenings to inner purpose's answers...freeing the things inside that need expressing, as my improvisation teacher in the theater often reminded us of...discovering one's own latent gifts, and expressing the magical in that personal evolution...reveling in the melodic notes of romantic experience sweetened by passion and uplifting with the euphoria of Spiritual Liberty. Freedom to recognize any personally inspiring Spiritual Pathways as ENERGETIC CONDUIT INWARD to one's SOURCE. FEEL each living moment to be infused with awareness and meaning, soul-sharing kindness being larger than pettiness or judgment, with a consciousness for the potential beauty of exchange between souls...infused by TRANSCENDENTAL INTENTION'S LIGHT.
6. RISING ABOVE JUDGMENT INTO OPENNESS / ACCEPTANCE...doing no harm and inflicting no oppression on anyone else's Spirituality, WE may all inclusively gather together while accepting differing philosophies, perceptions, religions and realities in one another, and express our own individualized truth and personal practices with an equally intact respect granted in return. No Hierarchy.
7. METAPHYSICAL WENDING OF NATURE-BASED SPIRITUAL PATHS FOR HOLISTIC EMPOWERMENT and HEALING...The New Transcendentalism is liberated with full self-acceptance, creatively interweaving any complementing spiritual systems and revised psychology, beyond judgment into practical experience to one's own sense of self-evolution, personally interacting with the Universe's energies and in doing so, moving beyond intellectualism or philosophy, into active manifestation and personal empowerment. This deceptively simple freedom exercised, may be the evolution from the Transcendentalists of the 1800's who felt inhibited by ties to the Unitarian Church and frames of reference to Spirit that boxed in their fiery quests for Spiritual Liberty.
8. HONOR THE LIGHT WITH OTHERS...sense out and accept light-minded INDIVIDUALS ON A PERSONAL LEVEL who have also significantly shed dysfunctions and toxic entanglements, being conscious to respect, and remaining conscious of one's personal integrity, so as to enjoy transcendentally progressive EXCHANGES with inclusively supportive feedback, and constructive interactions. RISING ABOVE COMPETITION, HONORING EQUALITY.
9. THE MUSE OF TRANSCENDENTALISM IS "LIVING PASSION" a purposeful channeling of Universal Inspiration, conducting pure awareness into creative energy through each of our Individualist Mirrors, manifesting beauty, peaceful harmony, and enrichment of the humanistic tradition relating to ALL IN NATURE THROUGH SPIRIT. The Transcendentalists are channeling the liberation of Creative Muse, so that works of lasting excellence transcend all defeating barriers of popular negativity, economic indifference, reduced circumstances or disasters of the human achieve transcendent Poetry, Story-Telling & Literature, soulful Art, euphoric Music, liberating Philosophy, Transcendental Discovery, and practising compassionate kindness toward others, all of which express and celebrate one's love for Life, and reverence for the very best in the Human Spirit.
10. THE POST-2000 TRANSCENDENTALIST WAY is to interpret all obstacles along the living path as opportunities for transcending one's own limitations, and then actively re-arranging material reality to pragmatically open the doors which will lead to one's own material and human expansion through indomitable actions! The highest individualist purposes are validated yet tempered by a Universal compassion for others, as one comprehensively fulfils Destiny Chosen...Destiny Visualized...Destiny Achieved, in One's Life-Time...INDIVIDUALIST ENERGETIC WILL! Those who consider themselves Transcendentalists, have committed to deflecting self-doubt, standing up after being struck down, recovering sanity after suffering emotional devastation, discovering the one YES in a hundred NO's, releasing attachment from self-involved depressions or negative defeatism, maintaining an illuminated sense of personal dignity and purpose to one's Life.
The Fullness Of One's Own Life-Vision!
11. TRANSCENDENTALIST CIRCLES gathering together on this instinctual journey, in person or online with inter-conscious / like-minded, however interactive transcendental thoughts may be shared. Light more candles of spiritual liberty...via practically-applied philosophical, methodical, experiential, transcendental practices or perspectives...with the most harmonious, light-minded relationships that will be consistently, mutually supportive on the evolving pathways of Nature's Healthy Interdependence.
12. SPIRIT-TO-EARTH TRANSCENDENTALISM, or GROUNDING Spirituality so that one's daily perception is not so far into the Energy World that one does not maintain pragmatic awareness, or know how to connect interpersonally responsible in the material world which we are all part of. One may follow the shiftings of Reality as a MOVING MEDITATION FOCUSED ON THE HERE AND NOW. There are times in the day which one may safely relegate to deeper meditations in higher chakra realms.
May the transcendental navigation of our Honing Hearts be interconnected with our direction-following feet, in step with our holistically energy-balanced, fully abundant mental states. Grounded-While-Enlightened Dignity meeting others following their own grounded enlightenment, making for the most magnanimous convergings of:
13. MANIFESTING GENIUS BEYOND DELUSIONS. Whatever one channels focus into doing...Resonate with the purest exchange of that energy...and Raise The Level.
14. THE CLARIFYING PRINCIPLE ~ Many have struggled with what this transcendental perspective really is. After some years looking through my own eyes of personal clarity, I would suggest this:
Each of us is a perfect microcosm of The Source, reflecting that animating energy that is our Universe in all its aspects. As such, each of us is so unique, that there is no authority to dictate what your own purpose is manifesting as. I can't tell you what you are meant to do, anymore than you can out-line what my pathway is all about. Your parents don't understand your true purpose unfolding beyond their own journeys, nor your teachers understand why you diverge from their experience, nor your church whose chosen words may not express your deepest intuitive understandings about connection, and certainly not society which has not been structured to validate your intuitive Nature.
This is the power of being a Transcendentalist by Nature: You are your own dignified authority; Transcendentalists understand that there is no higher authority that can dictate one's life direction, as the only map of truth is unraveling inside of one's own core center. If your lessons must be "hard" for you to learn the truth of what living for you is about, then maybe it has taken great courage and "confusion" to bring you toward your personal enlightenment. If your way is to cultivate Love contributing to others and their higher well-being or dignity, whether toward humanity or animals or our natural world, than maybe you are a Humanist of great compassion. There is much ignorance and abuse in the world, and your kindness and awareness does contribute to lighting the darkness...with all the others or WE who are of that like-minded Love. You may be one who is meant to contribute to the higher ideals, and are to express your own sense of cultivation or art, in a uniquely creative vision that will influence all of us; we are all here for 'the exchange,' and that is how we learn from one another.
In the end, we don't truly need a "designation" for how we give to the world, as these are semantics, although clarifying words do grant "power." Transcendentalism. This clarification grants us the intention of being individualists of great personal to shift consciousness in others as well as ourselves, capable of binding together in higher principles aiding each other through this challenging existence. Truth-seeing is instinctual through all the programmed lies that have ever been injected into our lives in order to control us, to dominate us, or to destroy us. Like the phoenix, we have been burned by the fire, and yet from those fiery ashes, purged of poisons to our souls, and risen again speaking our own language with greater courage.
Language. The original 1800's Transcendentalists were gathered by common bonds of liberated Spirituality, and passion for the enlightened word or thought, for Literature and Philosophy. The finer arts of being Human. May we all speak our own enlightened languages, yet understand each other perfectly. May these powerful intentions re-educate our easily deluded brains, empowering that other 90% of grey matter into being progressively EXTRAORDINARY. Listen....listen with pure heart to each others' higher meanings...listen closely. Ask your inner teacher...and answers will be forthcoming. What you persist in perceiving, is what you shall manifest in achieving.
Time to carry one's Transcendentalist Torch forward, enlightening The New Neural Pathway!
1. IMAGINATION TRANSCENDS SO-CALLED "REALITY," visualizing attainable objectives beyond the evidence of Today, neural/existential pathways flowing "there," while sensing feedback through one's Inner Mirror or NATURE'S SOURCE...reflecting back The Individualist's Self-Validation.
2. INTUITION AS RELIABLE INNER COMPASS...interpreting / experiencing the meaning of things in the world, listening to one's own instinct as reliable signal through a world of choices, discovering what one is meant to manifest in this life-time, how one is meant to contribute or help others on their paths, and how one intersects harmoniously with other energies surrounding the pursuit of self-actualization and learning. We do not act alone. "We are here for The Exchange."
In Life, however, sometimes The Exchange can be a string of lessons, small or great. Often times, personalities or forces that come into our sphere, do not agree with us, may seek to deceive, mislead, or even destroy us. The Transcendentalist of today, must focus their will on an awareness much like the to bend and sway with the wind and tides that come, but never to break at the stem of one's own inner compass; to rise back into an upright position of personal clarity, personal viewpoint. Personal sense of right and wrong. Personal sense of boundaries. Self-respect. Those who have a wounded intuition will have to purposefully learn to recognize "triggers" and "stun-mode" when one reverts to being victimized, and immediately employ the strengthening behaviors in the next paragraph. The key, here, is maintaining an unerring direction-sense which will always know or re-locate one's own CENTRAL BALANCE.
A Transcendentalist will always listen to the true content of others' intentions, and what the sub-textual meaning of an exchange truly is. A Transcendentalist will become adept at discerning underlying tactics of manipulation or mind-games aimed at vulnerabilities, beyond any weaker mental states such as paranoia or projection. Learn to laugh at belittlement, judgement, and condescension, because nobody can truly tell you who you are or the value of your self-worth, and anyone who presumes to do so, is ridiculously off-base. We all have a right to BE WHO WE ARE. Remain aware of the breathing connection to one's mind-impressions, aware and in-the-moment, while maintaining a sensitivity for any forces that attempt to shift Central Balance into being off-balance. When domination tactics diminish one's confidence for inferior states of fear, unworthiness, meekness, enforced silence, or personal degradation, a Transcendentalist in touch with the breath, and the Individualist mind, will DETACH from REACTING...ADJUST CENTRAL BALANCE...and REDIRECT PERSONAL INTENTION to COME FROM TRUTH. When one comes directly from personal truth, the right words and actions just seem to be there!
When negative polarity personalities realize that you are "not a mark," that "the game" doesn't play you, such people will be repelled in favor of weaker, easier prey, because...predators prefer to take down weak opponents as opposed to attempting to overcome strong ones.
A Post-2000 Transcendentalist is strong in personal dignity, character, and "back-bone."
3. INTERACTING WITH A FLEXIBLE, ENERGETIC REALITY...that all life on Earth is a collection of frequencies, and that one may change one's own frequency and direction of intentions and actions, so as to leave denser, more assaulting realities for enlightened, serene magnetism and supportive places or states, found away from conflicting dissonances and earthly brutalities. Perceptive insights recognizing sacredness in the living moment, the sensual belonging to vast elemental beauty and immortal UNIVERSAL LOVE, beyond, below, and surrounding suffering, a limitless LOVE which may hold any amount of sorrow gently. Nurturing the SOURCE INSIDE that knows no ending to compassion, may support you to FEEL YOUR OWN WAY toward more receptive signals and destinations...WHERE YOU ARE MEANT TO BE.
4. DISENGAGING FROM FEAR...ENGAGING TRUST...One does not remain ensnared in destructive relationships or circumstances by rigidity of FEAR, calling on transcendentalism to find and resonate with Light, Love, and Living Intact...frequencies which necessarily let go of each other, being composed of incompatible elements, are the differing realities of insanity versus compassionate harmony: 2 separate worlds of awareness apart. Have you forgotten the supportive energy of a unified Universe? When is the last time you left behind the glare of city lights for Nature's Solitude, and for clear witness to a near infinite brilliance of interconnected stars above? And even closer, when have you last taken the action of sealing eye-lids and ear canals closed with thumbs and fingers, so as to only listen to the sonic brilliance of YOUR ENERGIZED UNIVERSE WITHIN?
5. INDIVIDUALIST SPIRITUAL LIBERTY, unrestricted by Tradition, controlling structures, or orthodox thought...pure humanistic expression, inspired creativity, philosophical and societal equality between women and men as in Nature's balance, the unifying Source which surrounds all realities and grants energetic Life to ALL. The Transcendentalists live for the mysticism of Life's subtle energies and messages...signalling synchronicity, opening doors of perfect opportunity, awakenings to inner purpose's answers...freeing the things inside that need expressing, as my improvisation teacher in the theater often reminded us of...discovering one's own latent gifts, and expressing the magical in that personal evolution...reveling in the melodic notes of romantic experience sweetened by passion and uplifting with the euphoria of Spiritual Liberty. Freedom to recognize any personally inspiring Spiritual Pathways as ENERGETIC CONDUIT INWARD to one's SOURCE. FEEL each living moment to be infused with awareness and meaning, soul-sharing kindness being larger than pettiness or judgment, with a consciousness for the potential beauty of exchange between souls...infused by TRANSCENDENTAL INTENTION'S LIGHT.
6. RISING ABOVE JUDGMENT INTO OPENNESS / ACCEPTANCE...doing no harm and inflicting no oppression on anyone else's Spirituality, WE may all inclusively gather together while accepting differing philosophies, perceptions, religions and realities in one another, and express our own individualized truth and personal practices with an equally intact respect granted in return. No Hierarchy.
7. METAPHYSICAL WENDING OF NATURE-BASED SPIRITUAL PATHS FOR HOLISTIC EMPOWERMENT and HEALING...The New Transcendentalism is liberated with full self-acceptance, creatively interweaving any complementing spiritual systems and revised psychology, beyond judgment into practical experience to one's own sense of self-evolution, personally interacting with the Universe's energies and in doing so, moving beyond intellectualism or philosophy, into active manifestation and personal empowerment. This deceptively simple freedom exercised, may be the evolution from the Transcendentalists of the 1800's who felt inhibited by ties to the Unitarian Church and frames of reference to Spirit that boxed in their fiery quests for Spiritual Liberty.
8. HONOR THE LIGHT WITH OTHERS...sense out and accept light-minded INDIVIDUALS ON A PERSONAL LEVEL who have also significantly shed dysfunctions and toxic entanglements, being conscious to respect, and remaining conscious of one's personal integrity, so as to enjoy transcendentally progressive EXCHANGES with inclusively supportive feedback, and constructive interactions. RISING ABOVE COMPETITION, HONORING EQUALITY.
9. THE MUSE OF TRANSCENDENTALISM IS "LIVING PASSION" a purposeful channeling of Universal Inspiration, conducting pure awareness into creative energy through each of our Individualist Mirrors, manifesting beauty, peaceful harmony, and enrichment of the humanistic tradition relating to ALL IN NATURE THROUGH SPIRIT. The Transcendentalists are channeling the liberation of Creative Muse, so that works of lasting excellence transcend all defeating barriers of popular negativity, economic indifference, reduced circumstances or disasters of the human achieve transcendent Poetry, Story-Telling & Literature, soulful Art, euphoric Music, liberating Philosophy, Transcendental Discovery, and practising compassionate kindness toward others, all of which express and celebrate one's love for Life, and reverence for the very best in the Human Spirit.
10. THE POST-2000 TRANSCENDENTALIST WAY is to interpret all obstacles along the living path as opportunities for transcending one's own limitations, and then actively re-arranging material reality to pragmatically open the doors which will lead to one's own material and human expansion through indomitable actions! The highest individualist purposes are validated yet tempered by a Universal compassion for others, as one comprehensively fulfils Destiny Chosen...Destiny Visualized...Destiny Achieved, in One's Life-Time...INDIVIDUALIST ENERGETIC WILL! Those who consider themselves Transcendentalists, have committed to deflecting self-doubt, standing up after being struck down, recovering sanity after suffering emotional devastation, discovering the one YES in a hundred NO's, releasing attachment from self-involved depressions or negative defeatism, maintaining an illuminated sense of personal dignity and purpose to one's Life.
The Fullness Of One's Own Life-Vision!
11. TRANSCENDENTALIST CIRCLES gathering together on this instinctual journey, in person or online with inter-conscious / like-minded, however interactive transcendental thoughts may be shared. Light more candles of spiritual liberty...via practically-applied philosophical, methodical, experiential, transcendental practices or perspectives...with the most harmonious, light-minded relationships that will be consistently, mutually supportive on the evolving pathways of Nature's Healthy Interdependence.
12. SPIRIT-TO-EARTH TRANSCENDENTALISM, or GROUNDING Spirituality so that one's daily perception is not so far into the Energy World that one does not maintain pragmatic awareness, or know how to connect interpersonally responsible in the material world which we are all part of. One may follow the shiftings of Reality as a MOVING MEDITATION FOCUSED ON THE HERE AND NOW. There are times in the day which one may safely relegate to deeper meditations in higher chakra realms.
May the transcendental navigation of our Honing Hearts be interconnected with our direction-following feet, in step with our holistically energy-balanced, fully abundant mental states. Grounded-While-Enlightened Dignity meeting others following their own grounded enlightenment, making for the most magnanimous convergings of:
13. MANIFESTING GENIUS BEYOND DELUSIONS. Whatever one channels focus into doing...Resonate with the purest exchange of that energy...and Raise The Level.
14. THE CLARIFYING PRINCIPLE ~ Many have struggled with what this transcendental perspective really is. After some years looking through my own eyes of personal clarity, I would suggest this:
Each of us is a perfect microcosm of The Source, reflecting that animating energy that is our Universe in all its aspects. As such, each of us is so unique, that there is no authority to dictate what your own purpose is manifesting as. I can't tell you what you are meant to do, anymore than you can out-line what my pathway is all about. Your parents don't understand your true purpose unfolding beyond their own journeys, nor your teachers understand why you diverge from their experience, nor your church whose chosen words may not express your deepest intuitive understandings about connection, and certainly not society which has not been structured to validate your intuitive Nature.
This is the power of being a Transcendentalist by Nature: You are your own dignified authority; Transcendentalists understand that there is no higher authority that can dictate one's life direction, as the only map of truth is unraveling inside of one's own core center. If your lessons must be "hard" for you to learn the truth of what living for you is about, then maybe it has taken great courage and "confusion" to bring you toward your personal enlightenment. If your way is to cultivate Love contributing to others and their higher well-being or dignity, whether toward humanity or animals or our natural world, than maybe you are a Humanist of great compassion. There is much ignorance and abuse in the world, and your kindness and awareness does contribute to lighting the darkness...with all the others or WE who are of that like-minded Love. You may be one who is meant to contribute to the higher ideals, and are to express your own sense of cultivation or art, in a uniquely creative vision that will influence all of us; we are all here for 'the exchange,' and that is how we learn from one another.
In the end, we don't truly need a "designation" for how we give to the world, as these are semantics, although clarifying words do grant "power." Transcendentalism. This clarification grants us the intention of being individualists of great personal to shift consciousness in others as well as ourselves, capable of binding together in higher principles aiding each other through this challenging existence. Truth-seeing is instinctual through all the programmed lies that have ever been injected into our lives in order to control us, to dominate us, or to destroy us. Like the phoenix, we have been burned by the fire, and yet from those fiery ashes, purged of poisons to our souls, and risen again speaking our own language with greater courage.
Language. The original 1800's Transcendentalists were gathered by common bonds of liberated Spirituality, and passion for the enlightened word or thought, for Literature and Philosophy. The finer arts of being Human. May we all speak our own enlightened languages, yet understand each other perfectly. May these powerful intentions re-educate our easily deluded brains, empowering that other 90% of grey matter into being progressively EXTRAORDINARY. Listen....listen with pure heart to each others' higher meanings...listen closely. Ask your inner teacher...and answers will be forthcoming. What you persist in perceiving, is what you shall manifest in achieving.
Time to carry one's Transcendentalist Torch forward, enlightening The New Neural Pathway!
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