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Sunday, 1 January 2012


YOGA'S "OM"...we have all heard the word, the sound, but...what is "OHM"...truly about?

OM has its own intention, and unless one understands what that vibration is, and is open to it with true sincerity...there remains only that commercially-used "buzz-word" which can grate at one's nerves; or that parroted sound masked slightly by self-awareness; a sound devoid of commitment, without focusing on what that sound ought to mean.  Empty intentions yield empty results.  Clarity becomes opening the illuminated door.

We may mistakenly infer, in trite, present-day boredom or comedic back-lash, that this 4000 + year old practice and its viewpoint on The Universe, is actually "a fad."  Fads are for trend-followers, whereas heart-practices are for Time's amendments on one's human condition...which doesn't pass out of fashion. It is all about The Intention.  Here is a three part consideration:  Think...Breathe...Chant (or Transmit).  If one leaves out the first part, one misses the point.  If one evades the second part, one reduces the impact.  If one leaves out the last part, one is engaging in a dream without a voice...

Past one's sincerity, intention can't be a lack of follow-through, either.  Distraction, or a closed heart, will never resonate with the ideal tone, nor feel connection to anything but "just a sound." Any sounds can be meaningless without intention.  Shallow expression of breath will only feel weak, and will likely discourage in a deflated effort, or the uncommitted sound coming from one's own impatience and self-judgment; but sit inside a room where a group of open-minded people are offering up a devoted OM, and you will feel a room charged with qualitative vibration touching serenity.  This is the presence of healing in action, because healing begins in the mind.

Consider water droplets, as many of us have seen the famous photographs, blown up large from the microscopic, for gallery display.  You know the ones? The crystalline water-cells are captured in photographic reactions to certain vibrations, showing how the patterns alter from states similar to "fear" or "laughter" or "love" or "anger" or "peace," and clearly, the patterns' visual expressions tell us everything we need to understand about vibrations and their effects.  We can actually see the visual state of vibration's "well-being" or "disease" in the microscopic cells blown up to large clarity.

Now consider, since much of human physiology is composed of water, how sensitively reactive every cell in one's body is, through osmosis, one cell-to-another, from one's mental or emotional well-being, environment's influence or chemical exposure, or direction of the subconscious to internal systems. One's mentality may make the difference between debilitating Cancer or alkaline cell harmony.  As healing is a holistic consideration, and we are also what we eat, as well as what we think, "green foods" have much to do on a physiological level of cell harmony or being closer to "basic" pH, rather than being "acidic." One will likely feel the harmony of OM closer, being more pure inside one's body, the physical conductor.

OM...what else are you?  The sages who considered their relationship with The Universe, were transmitted an answer resonating through sound, with no beginning or ending.  If one listens deeply, inside oneself to the core, one may sense the conveyance of this ongoing frequency or "resonance."  The very HUM of Life, carried within ourselves...and beyond ourselves.  Chanting "OM" for inner peace, resonates throughout one's entire cellular body, mental, and spiritual-energetic spheres.  Our minds, consciously or unconsciously, tell our bodies which direction to go...consider the ramifications of directive thought in the healing process.

As humans, we emit sound through our voices, and our range, minus the "abrupt consonants" which are harsh or cancel sound, may be expressed across the five vowels (again, "coincidence" of the number five ~ see "A Pagan Pentacle..." post) ~ "A," "E," "I," "O," "U."  These are the vowels of harmony, the full range of human expression's sound, and The Universe melding all vibrations together, as the sages heard them, into "AUM"...or "OM."  The "M" being a harmonious completion of sound's projection which also channels vibratory resonance.  Human sound naturally conveys feelings, from a sigh, to a grunt or scream, to a humming.  We express our feelings' vibrations, through conscious or unconscious psychological states.  Through sound, we may communicate our own inner realities.

It has been said down through Time, the original enlightened one, The Buddha, sat beneath a Banyan tree contemplating, when "the sound" first came to his / her ear, with a realization, "SO HUM" (in Sanskrit) or "I AM THAT." In the language of sound and energy, this vibration is the perfect tone of pure existence, or the pure consciousness; and so Buddha became awakened, enlightened, and resonated with The Universe, and her / his true Nature. Buddha was connected-as-one with ALL that he / she was...deathless, beyond transitory thoughts or emotions, beyond fears trapped in the finite form, the loss of mind and body and those we love...something innately immortal in all of us...INNER PEACE.

"The Unstruck Sound," which the Buddha heard, was not created by two objects impacting together, but was and is simply "always there," with no beginning or ending.  A soul emanating beyond one's physical form, and identifying with that truth, is in elevation above the transitory state of suffering.  Why not "OM" and be with that vibration's frequency?  And share that feeling with others, who also suffer in varying veils of ignorance and pain, as to the beautiful truth each person holds latent inside consciousness.  Deathless is that part of us which is "not the body," and "not the mind," but "that which observes, and is ALWAYS."

"So hum" or "I am that."  OM is not some outer power beyond us, without connection to us, greater than us, that we are appealing to, that may judge us...not separate from us, like "a Great King to a serf." We don't necessarily come from an impure place, unless we chant OM.  We do not require someone specially attuned to chant for us, because we all have the magic inside, we are all vessels of intention.  In OM's tradition, there are energetic entities associated with "the beginning, duration, and dissolution" aspects of the OM energy in The may look up these aspects, but for my intention herein, I prefer the purity of instinctual resonance with OM, as deeply personal yet spiritually-liberated beyond necessary deification.  As The Universe is perfectly reflected by the microcosmic sparks mirrored inside each of us, one may realize a heart-felt connection to UNIVERSAL BLISS, as "IT" hums immortally...the electromagnetic ocean which is always flowing...beyond, and inside of us...with us.

Take your comfortable seat, and get in touch with your own sense of  "OM."  Rise up through your spine to liberate your breathing apparatus.  Use all three sections of your complete in-breath, and from your heart, release the intention of OM in sound, through the projecting of "OHHH..." or "AUUU"...only closing the tone of the heart-sound with a concluding "MMM" at breath's end, which may be held in a lingering "hummm."  When chanting "OHM," we must re-cycle our complete breath at the end of each fully expressed breath, breathing in through the nose, to continue harmonizing with energized, rejuvenated oxygen. Shortness of oxygen will only weaken one's breath-energy and harmonize with yoga's complete breath.  Trust yourself to harmonize and release. 

So repeat the full intake of preparatory breath...and then the lengthening release of this sound again. FEEL.  If you want to feel OM's Totality, personally, be aware of the vibration's energy field buzzing around your entire body, tip-to-tip, all cells lighting up on each in-breath, as if a globe of white light is cleansing you from the inside outward...OM's vibration may be felt in the bones of the face, even though directed from the heart, and capable of vibrating right down to the toes, or sent up through the transom of our opening minds.  This is an intention of Peace, or exchange we share with Nature, ALL that lives, and all else that emanates on higher levels we are perhaps unaware of...coming from what we feel about connecting.

We all have the inner need TO CONNECT.  No matter where we come from. We may wonder where to find connection when our inner worlds are filled with feelings of self-doubt, self-loathing, anger, or disconnecting depression.  One must remember, that all feelings are transitory, and may be amended by a shift in intention, communicating a different message to one's nervous system and subconscious.

Locate The Source, not by looking into the sky for answers, but by sensing through one's own inner Mirror-Nature...resonating with the internal hum of self-validation, a harmonious resonance of OM. This adjustment is much like an over-cast sky of darkened clouds, dispersing through release of the rains, and the sun's beams of radiating warmth; of illumination streaming through. Although the clouds were all that may have been visible, the sun has always been there to shine for us.  A realization.

This vocalization is not about volume, as OM may be quiet as a whisper-on-tone, or full as open baritone, as it vibrates within and beyond you.  The intention is not about impression, or how one sounds to self or others, so is not concerned with ego, but is about resonating with inner harmony.  There are no rules as to what pitch of note one is emitting, although the heart-chakra is the central place to channel from, which will be most in touch with vibratory resonance for this intention.  This decision to dispel doubt, leads toward a channel for it.

It is through raising consciousness in those who are, or become, "Light-Minded," that the empowering balance of Humanity, may shift away...from the oblivion-train of obsessive darkness, toward the interdependent-hoop of understanding lightness; so we may reverse flood-gates of limitation, fear-mongering, and blind destruction.  Yin may always co-exist with Yang, but we may decide for our own parts, how to live in respect with others.  As Dalai Lama would say, "WE.":  SEE EACH OTHER; and when hearts align toward compassion...then...minds may step forward in RIGHT ACTION.  Reality shifts as we follow our intention-fulfilling, courageous choices.  

Ripples across the water...reach into the distances.

This healing vibration is a sharing with All That Lives, as we are apart of All.  This intention may be a welcome release from competition, fear-based thinking, cynicism or suffering.  To this hope, you may like to try one complete breath's sincere harmonizing of OM.  You may emit OM three times together as is sometimes observed in yoga classes, upwards to seven times as an individual practice allowing oneself to resonate progressively and really feel this;  or as long as one would wish to meditate on this feeling, perhaps 20 minutes of sustained focus, again, it is up to personal choice and purpose.  Breathe deeply and easily with your sustained, peaceful intention.  Meditation becomes concentration.

In chanting OM / AUM / OHM, realize your own immortal expression...a deeply personal validation which society will never claim responsibility for supporting...only you may deem it so, the individual; but remember, you are far from alone, because "WE...are EVERYWHERE."

OM connects us harmonically with our highest vibration, undying "purusa," or one's SOUL-self. 

If chanting with others, allow your sound's intention to MELD in harmony with the group.  Also know that OM is one of the great, pure "mantras" ~ chanting of a vibratory quality, leading one's awareness and cellular intelligence toward personal enlightenment.  Note, I am not saying "religious," as OM is not structured as such, but is pure intention, to harmonious sound, to energetic destination.

This is a liberated spiritual acknowledgement, finding one's own place inside A Supportive Universe.

OM to the synchronicity that supports following your personal bliss...OM to surfing your swelling wave of sweet experiences...OM to the friendships carrying your heart through uncertain wilderness...OM to unfurling surprising potential of your most unique gifts...OM to your inner light, the witness to inspired Genius flights...OM to the Air, to the Water, to the Sky, to the Earth nourishing us all...OM, the primordial sound of the Universe.

"PEACE ~ OM SHANTI, PEACE" ~ dissolving pain of separateness, sharing this purest of intentions:  LOVE lingers with the eternal hum, on and on..."SO HUM!" (We are That).

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