TRANSCEND ~ "to rise above, to go beyond, to surpass the expected..." There has always been the individualist breathing differently within the ordered structures of any society...differently, as in an alien rhythm to what is established before...
The more a society constricts the modes of human behavior, the greater the pressure that bubbles up and manifests in an opposing reaction to that control of behavior. Control gives reactionary rise to the libertine, the bohemian, the romantic, the poet, or rebel vs. prescribed thought and behavior, searching for some impulse more spontaneous...and truthful to one's internal instincts. The Humanistic Artist.
The Transcendentalist Movement which originated with a club in Cambridge Massachusetts in 1836, was comprised of a group of like-minded men and women who gathered together in the name of liberal thinking. As in many pockets of history where reactionism is found, these Transcendentalists' idealism was fostered out of an initial frustration with the culture surrounding them, including the Unitarian Church, and sought their own pattern outside of those perceived walls, through intellectualized freeing of individuality regarding Spirit and Existence. Ralph Waldo Emerson, being one of the key voices through his essays, had verbally distilled his core philosophy down to "The Infinitude of the Private Man."
In my reading of these original Transcendentalists, I found Emerson was most voluminous in his clarification of what this viewpoint was trying to express: a measure from the metaphysical, informing Consciousness, which is the Universe beyond data and the senses...that senses give us representation of things but what are the things themselves?...over material facts, history, circumstances, or animal wants of man, there are the powers of Thought, Will, Inspiration, Miracle, Individual Culture..."perpetual openness of the human mind to new influx of light and power, ecstasy...the heart is the ark in which the fire is concealed which shall burn in a universal flame...Nature is transcendental, intuitive thought as authority over our experience."
My own reaction has been to access Spirit through locating new energetic-supportive experiences, such as in Yoga. I feel more serene referring to Source, to OM, to the Universe, which for me, transcends old neural feelings, for a connection which feels PURE TO ME, where I am not being told what to connect with or how to do it. Like the Transcendentalists, I have been opened up in my own horizons through self-creation, life experimentation, humanist philosophies, and lighting my own inspired prism, no mediators need apply. As any trail-blazing experimentation with the spontaneity or form of one's life will confirm, this euphoric transcendence is not without its periods of uncertainty or existential pain. These gaps in expectation are all lessons of letting go the fear of risking...the gap of uncertainty...leading to realize an undiscovered neural pathway. The trapeze act of Transcendental Trust.
Contemplating Nature does empower to transcend frozen mind-sets for acceptance of change within consciousness and shifting reality. Intuition, or Inner Mirror to Nature, guides one to personal Visions, not delusional but attuned to the lodestone of one's own heart-impulse truth on their own inimitable life-path. Beautification of that inner Vision, where one's mind mirrors, becomes the projection of where one's life will be transmitted.
Don't we tend to become surrounded by the environments of our consistent mental imaging? What we see with consistency, becomes things, in the material world, even if one is looking at the road of a newly-taken highway leading beyond...or where many of us first find ourselves, growing up stranded somewhere closer to the isolating deserts of those who came before us. Somewhere lighter, truer, and far healthier, becomes the purposeful searching of the wounded healer on individual healing path...for a person whose neural representations of their world are in the action of becoming...following that inner map. This is a realized awareness of one's receptivity as a homing beacon for frequencies.
I understand what Deepak Chopra meant when he suggested we stop trying to think outside the box, and just throw the box out! The original Transcendentalists, in their time, were rebelling against the constricting orthodoxy they perceived in the Unitarian Church. The Transcendentalists wanted to feel and sense their own understanding of God but liberated from the structure, so as to understand God through their own instincts, their own verification from within; and not a structure of interaction where their own instinctive understanding of The Universe would go without validation. These liberated ones believed in relying less on tradition, but more on Nature's communications, no middle man.
What I suggest about the Post-2000 Transcendentalists, "WE" of the Quantum Consideration, clarify our relation to ALL through our own Inner Mirrors, so as to connect with our own senses of energetic Source, without imposing or needing to label everything as "this label" or "that label," in the languages of Tradition, Separation or Hierarchy...but resonate with truth of "this frequency" or "that frequency," grounding the meta-experience in ROOTED KNOWING...that WE need not rebel against anything, for this kriya action of self-purging The Within, is what takes our philosophy into metaphysical action...becoming quantum reality (consider Samkhya Philosophy). ACTIVE SELF-TRANSFORMATION.
I, for one, address Universe because in It, Source is HE and SHE united, or WE, as we watch all good seeds create Life in natural reflections at all levels of our world. What is reflected to one through the Mirrors of Nature, may be accepted as Universe's structure for how all living things fit together, but also how things crumble apart, and regenerate or recycle again. Rather than being mediated for in the ritual, the ritual of experience must be generated by the INDIVIDUAL TRANSCENDENTALIST, connecting with THEIR OWN holistic awareness and sensitivity, so as to verify connection with Great Spirit in its pure, undiluted PRESENCE and individuated gifts.
All vibrations capably magnetize appropriate energetic unifying themes, manifest occurrences, or materialized creativity...the choices in Life that each of us make. No one may truly see the vision one holds before their own mind, until the results manifest in undeniable evidence from the invisible journey realized to completions. Guidance for the individual, may arrive to one's seeking senses by way of the visionary's signal-collecting vibrance emitting signals into the world. Minds do emit their own energetic qualities, which all of us pick up on, sometimes subliminally, all with a frequency; and quantifiable results for those thoughts' qualities.
In the various metaphysical interactions, one may find a myriad of approaches to transcendental-like ephiphanies and sudden surging curves of personal illumination: yogis may generate connection through meditation on the chakra energies and how their conditions reflect the reality of living at various levels...wiccans may combine various natural healing herbs with an annointed candle to visualize reality shifting through meaning and intention...pagans may meditate on the directions, elements, and seasonal wheel of harvesting to find flow and inspiration...first nations' people may connect with a sweat lodge and shaman for purification or join the healing dance and Spirit of the pow-wow...buddhists may intone a Universal Lotus meditation to pitch consciousness where enlightened beings release themselves and show kindness and compassion toward all living beings while on, the individual, may know your own existential answers by the way your solar plexus pings when inside instincts answer your own unvoiced questions. You simply know this first answer to be your own acknowledged answer, channeled truly, needing no illumination from anyone else...because your inner mirror reflects your own natural image clearer, than anyone else may do, looking through their own mirrors of comprehension.
Transcendentalists burn their own individualist neural and material-world pathways, visualized through process others' can't perceive with an ordinary mental comprehension, since the wisdom summoned comes from a higher connection beyond the ordinary mind. This is called Channeling, FLOWING WITH CONNECTION, knowing what is essential for your inner nature to blossom, with complete self-acceptance and loving support for any emotional cracks generated in a confusing world, and MAKING CONTACT in this world with that INSPIRED INTENTION. MAGIC hides behind all worldly reasons, as our ever-present POTENTIALITY.
This phenomenal world is filled with crazy-making distractions and making purely-derived sense of meaningful reasons for the flip-side of all, becomes the journey. This is like the rudder of a boat navigating water currents with a process of physical mechanics and experiential tactics, feeling the most effective way onward...much as the Transcendentalists once did...and now today, DO.
"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship."
~ Louisa May Alcott, Transcendentalist (1832-1888)
Lastly, before I pay off on what I promised...The New Non-Rules Of Transcendentalism...those who have taken it upon themselves unbidden, to share metaphysical educations they've experienced and learned from, with others who are seeking those particular meta-directions and could use some guiding light on the subject matter...those who dare to direct others to enlightenment of their human conditions, must always remember to be what yogis would call "sattvic." Teachers must be coming from light-minded purity, untainted by corrupted thought, misplaced desires, ignoring of interpersonal boundaries, interacting and exchanging healthy energy with others while coming from the higher mind, having directed one's energies above the primal impulses that rule neural sub-consciousness. I will refer to this harmonic and socially-responsible place, as The Healthy Teacher's Compassion. In Yoga Science, one would follow the 8 limbs of Astanga Yoga, in order to purify and raise energetic consciousness...through the channeling of Kundalini, as yogis may refer to ENLIGHTENED ENERGY...for the highest good, as the wiccans may say, thus harming none.
WE are all here for the exchange...BE TRANSCENDENTAL IN YOUR NATURES!
The more a society constricts the modes of human behavior, the greater the pressure that bubbles up and manifests in an opposing reaction to that control of behavior. Control gives reactionary rise to the libertine, the bohemian, the romantic, the poet, or rebel vs. prescribed thought and behavior, searching for some impulse more spontaneous...and truthful to one's internal instincts. The Humanistic Artist.
The Transcendentalist Movement which originated with a club in Cambridge Massachusetts in 1836, was comprised of a group of like-minded men and women who gathered together in the name of liberal thinking. As in many pockets of history where reactionism is found, these Transcendentalists' idealism was fostered out of an initial frustration with the culture surrounding them, including the Unitarian Church, and sought their own pattern outside of those perceived walls, through intellectualized freeing of individuality regarding Spirit and Existence. Ralph Waldo Emerson, being one of the key voices through his essays, had verbally distilled his core philosophy down to "The Infinitude of the Private Man."
In my reading of these original Transcendentalists, I found Emerson was most voluminous in his clarification of what this viewpoint was trying to express: a measure from the metaphysical, informing Consciousness, which is the Universe beyond data and the senses...that senses give us representation of things but what are the things themselves?...over material facts, history, circumstances, or animal wants of man, there are the powers of Thought, Will, Inspiration, Miracle, Individual Culture..."perpetual openness of the human mind to new influx of light and power, ecstasy...the heart is the ark in which the fire is concealed which shall burn in a universal flame...Nature is transcendental, intuitive thought as authority over our experience."
My own reaction has been to access Spirit through locating new energetic-supportive experiences, such as in Yoga. I feel more serene referring to Source, to OM, to the Universe, which for me, transcends old neural feelings, for a connection which feels PURE TO ME, where I am not being told what to connect with or how to do it. Like the Transcendentalists, I have been opened up in my own horizons through self-creation, life experimentation, humanist philosophies, and lighting my own inspired prism, no mediators need apply. As any trail-blazing experimentation with the spontaneity or form of one's life will confirm, this euphoric transcendence is not without its periods of uncertainty or existential pain. These gaps in expectation are all lessons of letting go the fear of risking...the gap of uncertainty...leading to realize an undiscovered neural pathway. The trapeze act of Transcendental Trust.
Contemplating Nature does empower to transcend frozen mind-sets for acceptance of change within consciousness and shifting reality. Intuition, or Inner Mirror to Nature, guides one to personal Visions, not delusional but attuned to the lodestone of one's own heart-impulse truth on their own inimitable life-path. Beautification of that inner Vision, where one's mind mirrors, becomes the projection of where one's life will be transmitted.
Don't we tend to become surrounded by the environments of our consistent mental imaging? What we see with consistency, becomes things, in the material world, even if one is looking at the road of a newly-taken highway leading beyond...or where many of us first find ourselves, growing up stranded somewhere closer to the isolating deserts of those who came before us. Somewhere lighter, truer, and far healthier, becomes the purposeful searching of the wounded healer on individual healing path...for a person whose neural representations of their world are in the action of becoming...following that inner map. This is a realized awareness of one's receptivity as a homing beacon for frequencies.
I understand what Deepak Chopra meant when he suggested we stop trying to think outside the box, and just throw the box out! The original Transcendentalists, in their time, were rebelling against the constricting orthodoxy they perceived in the Unitarian Church. The Transcendentalists wanted to feel and sense their own understanding of God but liberated from the structure, so as to understand God through their own instincts, their own verification from within; and not a structure of interaction where their own instinctive understanding of The Universe would go without validation. These liberated ones believed in relying less on tradition, but more on Nature's communications, no middle man.
What I suggest about the Post-2000 Transcendentalists, "WE" of the Quantum Consideration, clarify our relation to ALL through our own Inner Mirrors, so as to connect with our own senses of energetic Source, without imposing or needing to label everything as "this label" or "that label," in the languages of Tradition, Separation or Hierarchy...but resonate with truth of "this frequency" or "that frequency," grounding the meta-experience in ROOTED KNOWING...that WE need not rebel against anything, for this kriya action of self-purging The Within, is what takes our philosophy into metaphysical action...becoming quantum reality (consider Samkhya Philosophy). ACTIVE SELF-TRANSFORMATION.
I, for one, address Universe because in It, Source is HE and SHE united, or WE, as we watch all good seeds create Life in natural reflections at all levels of our world. What is reflected to one through the Mirrors of Nature, may be accepted as Universe's structure for how all living things fit together, but also how things crumble apart, and regenerate or recycle again. Rather than being mediated for in the ritual, the ritual of experience must be generated by the INDIVIDUAL TRANSCENDENTALIST, connecting with THEIR OWN holistic awareness and sensitivity, so as to verify connection with Great Spirit in its pure, undiluted PRESENCE and individuated gifts.
All vibrations capably magnetize appropriate energetic unifying themes, manifest occurrences, or materialized creativity...the choices in Life that each of us make. No one may truly see the vision one holds before their own mind, until the results manifest in undeniable evidence from the invisible journey realized to completions. Guidance for the individual, may arrive to one's seeking senses by way of the visionary's signal-collecting vibrance emitting signals into the world. Minds do emit their own energetic qualities, which all of us pick up on, sometimes subliminally, all with a frequency; and quantifiable results for those thoughts' qualities.
In the various metaphysical interactions, one may find a myriad of approaches to transcendental-like ephiphanies and sudden surging curves of personal illumination: yogis may generate connection through meditation on the chakra energies and how their conditions reflect the reality of living at various levels...wiccans may combine various natural healing herbs with an annointed candle to visualize reality shifting through meaning and intention...pagans may meditate on the directions, elements, and seasonal wheel of harvesting to find flow and inspiration...first nations' people may connect with a sweat lodge and shaman for purification or join the healing dance and Spirit of the pow-wow...buddhists may intone a Universal Lotus meditation to pitch consciousness where enlightened beings release themselves and show kindness and compassion toward all living beings while on, the individual, may know your own existential answers by the way your solar plexus pings when inside instincts answer your own unvoiced questions. You simply know this first answer to be your own acknowledged answer, channeled truly, needing no illumination from anyone else...because your inner mirror reflects your own natural image clearer, than anyone else may do, looking through their own mirrors of comprehension.
Transcendentalists burn their own individualist neural and material-world pathways, visualized through process others' can't perceive with an ordinary mental comprehension, since the wisdom summoned comes from a higher connection beyond the ordinary mind. This is called Channeling, FLOWING WITH CONNECTION, knowing what is essential for your inner nature to blossom, with complete self-acceptance and loving support for any emotional cracks generated in a confusing world, and MAKING CONTACT in this world with that INSPIRED INTENTION. MAGIC hides behind all worldly reasons, as our ever-present POTENTIALITY.
This phenomenal world is filled with crazy-making distractions and making purely-derived sense of meaningful reasons for the flip-side of all, becomes the journey. This is like the rudder of a boat navigating water currents with a process of physical mechanics and experiential tactics, feeling the most effective way onward...much as the Transcendentalists once did...and now today, DO.
"I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship."
~ Louisa May Alcott, Transcendentalist (1832-1888)
Lastly, before I pay off on what I promised...The New Non-Rules Of Transcendentalism...those who have taken it upon themselves unbidden, to share metaphysical educations they've experienced and learned from, with others who are seeking those particular meta-directions and could use some guiding light on the subject matter...those who dare to direct others to enlightenment of their human conditions, must always remember to be what yogis would call "sattvic." Teachers must be coming from light-minded purity, untainted by corrupted thought, misplaced desires, ignoring of interpersonal boundaries, interacting and exchanging healthy energy with others while coming from the higher mind, having directed one's energies above the primal impulses that rule neural sub-consciousness. I will refer to this harmonic and socially-responsible place, as The Healthy Teacher's Compassion. In Yoga Science, one would follow the 8 limbs of Astanga Yoga, in order to purify and raise energetic consciousness...through the channeling of Kundalini, as yogis may refer to ENLIGHTENED ENERGY...for the highest good, as the wiccans may say, thus harming none.
WE are all here for the exchange...BE TRANSCENDENTAL IN YOUR NATURES!
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