1. A literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, and Louisa May Alcott, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition.
2. The quality or state of being transcendental.
A person who studies metaphysics is a metaphysicist or metaphysician. The metaphysician attempts to clarify the fundamental notions by which people understand the world: existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effect, and possibility.
Kriyas are yoga's actions for purifying the physical body, mind, and nervous system. Cleansing the body encourages purity of the mind, and purifying the mind leads a seeker to experience higher states of spirit / consciousness, through a combination of cleanse / fasting, posture, mudra, mantra, visualization, breath-energy control and channeling. Being most specific, Kriya Yoga is achieved through observing the 8 limbed practice of Astanga.
Transcendental Kriya:
Spiritual with holistic health practices, or uniting Spirit with Earth, and the consequent perceptions that empower one to personally conduct self-transforming experiences, within the highest ideals of spiritual thought or philosophy and pursuits, among the highest being to make contact with bliss or "samadhi" while on earth.
When I spoke with my brother to get his impression on my first post, he felt that he could see where I was going, but was concerned that there may be readers who, like himself, are not familiar with some of the concepts I've introduced, and that it would be valuable to clarify. I agree, and so I opened this second post with a few Transcendental Definitions, the last one being my own.
When I spoke with my brother to get his impression on my first post, he felt that he could see where I was going, but was concerned that there may be readers who, like himself, are not familiar with some of the concepts I've introduced, and that it would be valuable to clarify. I agree, and so I opened this second post with a few Transcendental Definitions, the last one being my own.
When I speak of meta-this and meta-that, I'm referring to a relationship with spiritual concepts that becomes closer to a sensory experience within one's own physical mind-body connection, within the body, within the senses, within the organization of the mind, and how one considers the invisible connections that form a through-line of personal cause-and-effect directly affecting one's life. These considerations may be beyond ordinary mental perceptions of one's occupation, where one lives, what one watches for entertainment, or where one goes to experience the world (although this last one may be a calling to journey...)
I write about how one chooses to experience the events that make up the movement of their life, and a quality of approach which may deepen the value to be found in otherwise "mundane" moments and events...elevating the reward of interaction with one's own enhanced awareness of personal-empowered energy. I am writing about choosing to be "supra-ordinary" in all perceptions, so that in the midst of the more challenging moments in life (which we all know have come or are coming to us...), one remains connected to a strong sense of belonging and purpose...rather than retreating into boredom, judgment, shame, unconsciousness, or fear-based thinking.
I believe we all have divinity within us. This must be so, as within each of us, is a microcosm of that cosmic energy which permeates The Universe. This must be so because our very physiological make-up emulates the Universal structures. Consider the turning of the Universal planets as they orbit suns, or the moons as they orbit planets, or the binding relationships between protons and electrons to atoms in our own bodies. Consider how the moon affects the tides of water-bodies world-wide; and the waters which course through the channels that comprise us.
Firstly, I credit my Science of Yoga teacher with imparting Universal considerations to human reflections, passed down through his teacher Doctor Swami Gitananda, and the lineage of Indian metaphysicists before him in yoga's tradition. Secondly, I have my own intuitions of how all of Nature mirrors this grand dance of patterns.
These words I write are my own, channeled from a higher place, expressing these relations of intention to destination. Someone once sought to correct me on-line regarding the possibility of taking charge of changing one's perceived Destiny...because "Destiny" to some, implies events that are "fixed" and will necessarily happen to one. Perceived destinies may only be actually fixed by frozen neural path-ways where people have made up their minds to believe what they have been taught to conceive for themselves; but I feel, "predetermination" may shift tracks with a fresh neural path-way..."instant karma" with a choice...and for fresh choices, one must visualize them!
These are the observations of my intuition which knows, and the wisdom of the personal intuition in relation to Universal truths, is also "the WHY of Transcendentalism." Knowing this connection in the core of one's being, is to know that we are intrinsically good, and belong to the Universal dance, which in divine patterns, renews All from endings to beginnings...
These are the observations of my intuition which knows, and the wisdom of the personal intuition in relation to Universal truths, is also "the WHY of Transcendentalism." Knowing this connection in the core of one's being, is to know that we are intrinsically good, and belong to the Universal dance, which in divine patterns, renews All from endings to beginnings...
We need never attune our personal compasses to the direction-sense of those assertions imparted to us in contrariness to Nature. Concepts contrary to Nature may be manipulations of man-made ideology or indoctrination; but observations founded in the mirrors of Nature, find reflections of "what is" true in the cyclical mysteries of existence. Manipulations of Universal truths are created for the purposes of mind-control. Transcendentalism, historically or herstorically, is the intuitive reaction to such manipulations, granting validation to one's inherent wisdom of what is pure and eternally without the human SPIRIT.
Anyone who tells you we are born from original sin is simply trying to scare you; for when we are born, we come to the world innocent, the stuff of stars...and as for those beliefs on karma that insist we are sent to suffer here because we are paying for the wheel of suffering...I would rather set my compass for Universal Bliss, without concern for the complete annihilation of Nirvana. I enjoy experiencing, but would love to set the harmonic pitch!
"The HOW of Transcendentalism" will be the core of my future posts in "Transcendental Kriya," such as how one may "ground" and get through the anxieties and doubts of everyday living challenges by clearing the clouds of the mind, and cleansing the toxins of the body, through the self-shifting actions of "kriya" or purging. This is not to say one will never feel the worldly effects of stress, fear, anxiety, frustration, or even, these feelings manifest for everybody, which is part of being human...but it's a beautiful feeling to shift that focus for an enlightened perspective! In that Buddhist sense, even suffering is impermanent!
I suggest that yoga kriyas regarding interaction with one's energy meridians and centers, correlated directly with the functions of the body, will bring ethereal connections right down to Earth where we may feel their realities inside of us...and hopefully heal the impacts on our systems from this human experience.
How does what is best and most benevolent, in the viewpoints of Yogic, Pagan, Wiccan, Buddhist, Shamanic, and holistic health traditional practices, actually shift frozen, negative, or wounded brain and body patterns toward a we may breathe freedom and personal dignity with nearly every thought (we ARE still human)?...all transformations of self, begin with the quality of inner messages from the mind-to-body connection.
What have the undercurrents of your own mind been telling you lately?
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