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Tuesday, 19 June 2018


The following six considerations are merely prompts to shift consciousness, as we sometimes take such subtle considerations for granted. Also, the transcend-kriyas, for the most part, have not been derived from my deeper practices in consciousness shifting. Mostly, they are "tasters" that come from my perspective, meld well with open philosophies or practices that other meta-thinkers might suggest, but these are small contributions of mine. 

Other writing works of mine, more infused into books I have to share, within the structure and context of story and journey, will delve far deeper into consciousness shifting and observations. 

Transcendental Kriya as a blog, ended several years ago, but strands of thoughts such as these transcend-kriyas, became add-ons to the completed blog, a little later. This last strand of #31 - #36 is also some additional parts that came along later, that I simply wanted to round out:

The world of influences 'embed' in our minds with subtle and overt messages...offering fulfillment, trading on fear, anxiety, addictions, judgments, limited thinking. What we absorb, we are influenced by; observe and detach, mind-clearing for what truly matters.

Look for the cycles of your seasons to adjust perspective. Plant seeds of your own personal varieties, watch for subtle signs of budding, guide those stems so they reach up and stand, then release into bloom.

Life is a moving meditation: interacting with persuasive forces without being swayed, being surprised without losing balance, meeting portals of opportunity and realizing they are yours, breathing calmly as you express your truth, and detach from the rest.

Put your journey where your mind is: visualization & actualization.

As snakes shed skins, we shed identities. Each layer lost, a lesson recedes, as the spirit of our thoughts flow on.

Breathe slowly through your nose, belly expands 2 beats, ribs expand 2 beats, upper chest rises 2 beats…hold breath 2 beats…release for 4. Follow breath, not thoughts. Repeat.

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