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Monday, 1 June 2020

FIND THE GIVEN: Spoken Word Poem from Quarantine

Picture flipping

Picture tilting, blurring



(Freeze. Freeze it shut)

Mind lurch droning in a muddled banter

Covering over blanks which sigh ever after

Smiling without poetry, life sentences without time

Divine intervention never saved the sky. True...

But improv a thought which hears the next question

And answers that talk with comprehension

Would it scare you to let concepts walk astray

And if they flew?

Would it frighten you to map that terrifying landscape

And would you go?

The lifelong fences never mended inevitable questions

You lie inside that mourning which dawns

And dawns forever standing

Only showing your cankerous fears to the backwards mirror

Drifting, slumbering with intolerable interiors...

But by reflecting those muted expressions

That's how they did it

Interior giants who whisper in run-on sentences

Always fought for this telling, never told before its holding

Stemmed by the stronghold blocking the tide

Trapped in the crevice of besieged pride

The daunted, defeated words, lie...

Inside this sleeping dream house, great spirits find the given...

Believe, believe with ultimate conviction

In that long awaited, but rarely expected, something that we all live for

It's yours as you childhood was yours

As is your favourite song, your most treasured friend

Or the smile on your face, which you can make reappear at will

Believe there are many who don't

For they line the walls of limited vision

But lift the veil of heavy clouds, upon the field of open laughter

You will speak in tongues once past your tip

And fly the spears which line the pits

The paranoia of uncertain days

All the games adversaries will play

To cross a threshold of altered thought

Illuminated by higher talks

And kindled beyond envy or spite

Burnished in truth, dignity, and light

And once upon that foremost height

You will look back with awe

Upon the bygone valleys which you ascended

This is the filling of the blanks...

Believe with ultimate conviction, and act upon it

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